Old UI: Adding Prospects

Creating prospects manually

To create or add prospects one by one, you can use the Create Prospect button at the top of the page

or the "Add Prospect" button on the Prospects page.

You'll be prompted to enter the First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Company for your Prospect.

After entering the Prospect's information, you can use either the Create (if you're already done) or Create Another Prospect to save the Prospect and keep the window open to add another.

Note: If the company name of the newly created prospect matches an existing company in your list,

the prospect will automatically get added to the existing company.

Important: If there's no company information available, QuickMail will automatically use the domain name of the prospect as the company name. (e.g. if the email address is example@example.com, the company name will be Example).

To avoid company names with skewed capitalization (e.g. Abc instead of ABC), make sure to assign company information to the prospect.

Import Prospects from CSV

Prospects can be imported from a CSV (comma-separated value) file to your prospect list. 

The prospects in the sheet can be imported directly to a campaign or to a bucket (if you want to use schedules).

If you don't have a bucket yet, it's recommended to create one first -  Buckets

CSV specifications

  • CSV file should be comma-delimited. Other delimiters (such as semicolons) are not supported.
  • File size should not exceed 20 mb
  • Each prospect entry should have a unique email
  • The CSV file should contain a header row

Loading the CSV file

To start importing from a CSV, head to the Prospects section on the left sidebar then click "Import Prospects" button at the top of your Prospects List.

Select the CSV file option -> After that, drag the CSV file to the box or click "Load File".

Mapping Attributes

The headers or column titles in the file will need to be mapped to the correct Attributes in QuickMail.

Simply use the Dropdown menu to select the appropriate column/header in the sheet.

Tip: The headers can be named Email, Firstname, Lastname, and Company to automatically map them to the same attributes when importing.

Important: If there's no company information available, QuickMail will automatically use the domain name of the prospect as the company name. (e.g. if the email address is example@example.com, the company name will be Example). 

To avoid company names with skewed capitalization (e.g. Abc instead of ABC), make sure to assign company information to the prospect.

Finally, select the Bucket or Campaign you want to add the prospects to and hit the import button.

Warning: Importing prospects directly to a campaign will start the campaign immediately. 

Import prospects to a Bucket if you want to schedule the start of campaigns.

Pro tip: To know more about how many prospects are added and rejected, as well as the reason why the prospects are rejected, simply check your inbox for any emails with the subject [QuickMail] Import Report for Account {{account name}}.

Here's an example of an import report.

Import from Drive (Google Drive)

Prospects can be imported from a Google Sheet that is added to Google Drive. 

The prospects in the sheet can be imported directly to a campaign or to a bucket (if you want to use schedules).

If you don't have a bucket yet, it's recommended to create one first -  Buckets

Google Sheet Specifications

  • Each prospect entry should have a unique email
  • The Google Sheet should contain a header row

  • The Google Sheet should be in a Google Drive that you have access to 
    or a shared Google drive folder that you have access to.

Adding a Google Drive account

Go to Settings -> Drives -> click "Add Drive" 

After that, log in with the Gmail account associated with the Google Drive account. 
Once the Google Drive account has been added, it will show on the page and you are ready to start importing! 

Selecting Google Sheet for import

To start importing, go to Prospects -> click "Import Prospect" -> Select the Google Drive option.

If the file is in Google Sheets, a list of all of the Google accounts connected to QuickMail will be presented.

Select the one that you'd like, and you'll get a list of all of the Sheets available in that account.

The list of Sheets will show you the name, the Owner of any shared Sheets, the last time it's been edited, and a link to view that Sheet in Google Sheets.

Mapping Attributes

The headers or column titles in the file will need to be mapped to the correct Attributes in QuickMail. 

Simply use the Dropdown menu to select the appropriate column/header in the sheet.

Tip: The headers can be named Email, Firstname, Lastname, and Company to automatically map them to the same attributes when importing.

Important: If there's no company information available, QuickMail will automatically use the domain name of the prospect as the company name. (e.g. if the email address is example@example.com, the company name will be Example).

To avoid company names with skewed capitalization (e.g. Abc instead of ABC), make sure to assign company information to the prospect.

Finally, select the Bucket or Campaign you want to add the prospects to and hit the import button.

Warning: Importing prospects directly to a campaign will start the campaign immediately. 

Import prospects to a Bucket if you want to schedule the start of campaigns.

Pro tip: To know more about how many prospects are added and rejected, as well as the reason why the prospects are rejected, simply check your inbox for any emails with the subject [QuickMail] Import Report for Account {{account name}}.

Here's an example of an import report.

Auto-importing (PRO plan only)

Auto-import allows Pro plan users to automatically add prospects to their list when a Google Sheet is updated. 

That means any new prospect (with a unique email) added to the Google Sheet will be added to the prospect list automatically.

To set up a Google Sheet for auto-import,

start with the regular Google Sheet import and just tick the box that says "Auto-import Automatically if spreadsheet changes"

Then click "Import Prospects" to import the prospects in the Google Sheet and set up the Google Sheet for auto-import.

QuickMail will scan the Google sheets for any change every hour - and if new prospects are detected, those prospects will automatically get imported. 

Up to 20 sheets can be set up for auto-import at any given time. 


Q: How do I know if the import process has been completed?

A: You will receive an email about the details of the import similar to other import methods - Import Report Email

Q: What will happen if prospects that are already on the list are imported?

A: Prospects that are already on the list will be skipped/rejected. 

That's because each prospect should have a unique email address to be imported or added. 

If you want to update the details of the existing prospects, you can tick the box "Update prospect if it exists" before hitting the import button. This can be useful when moving existing prospects to a different bucket or when adding new details to prospects (such as custom attribute values).

Note: "Update prospect if it exists" only works for manual imports.

Auto-imports will always skip prospects that already exist.

Important: When updating prospects upon import, make sure to map the Company information. If the company information is not mapped, the company name will default to the domain name which can have skewed capitalization (e.g. Abc instead of ABC).