Canceling and Resuming Journeys

Why manually cancel journeys?

QuickMail, by default, will stop follow-ups when a reply is detected.

However, you can set a campaign to continue journeys on reply.

If a prospect contacts you to be removed from a campaign that is set to continue journeys on reply,

you can manually cancel the said prospect's journey to stop further follow-ups from sending.

Journeys are also manually canceled when you have made contact with your prospects outside QuickMail,

such as over the phone or on social media platforms.

How to cancel journeys manually?

There are different pages where you can cancel journeys manually.

1. Canceling journeys from the Campaign Journeys page

You can manually cancel journeys from the campaign journeys page,

just head to the campaign journeys -> select the journeys you want to cancel -> Action -> Cancel.

2. Canceling journeys from the Prospect list

You can also cancel journeys from the prospect list.

From the Prospect list, select all the journeys you need to cancel -> Action -> Cancel Journeys.

Pro tip: To easily find which journeys to cancel from the Prospect list, you can filter prospects by Campaigns and/or Journeys.
More about filters here --
Filtering Prospects.

3. Canceling journeys from the Prospect's Information page

You can also go to the prospect's information page to cancel a journey.

To go to the prospect's information page, just click the prospect's thumbnail

(you can click the prospect's thumbnail in either the Prospect list or Campaign Journeys page).

Once on the prospect's information page, you can see all the campaigns the prospect is in.

Click the triple-dot on the upper right side of the specific campaign you want the prospect's journey canceled -> Cancel Journey.

How to resume journeys?

Journeys can be resumed on a specific date and time or immediately.

There are different pages where you can resume journeys.

1. Resuming journeys from the campaign journeys page

You can resume journeys from the Campaign Journeys page.

Just head to the campaign -> Journeys -> select all the prospects that you want the journeys resumed -> Action -> Resume.

2. Resuming journeys from the prospect's information page

You can also go to the prospect's information page to resume the prospect's journey.

To go to the prospect's information page, just click the prospect's thumbnail.

(You can click the prospect's thumbnail either from the Prospect list or Campaign Journeys page).

Once on the prospect's information page, you can see all the campaigns the prospect is in.

Click the triple-dot on the upper right side of the campaign you want the prospect's journey resumed -> Resume Journey.

3. Resuming completed journeys after adding more steps to the campaign

When more steps are added to the campaign after journeys are completed, the journeys won't continue unless they are resumed.

To make sure that only completed journeys are resumed, simply use the Status Filter at the top of the journey page and click Completed.

Using the journey filter completed will help you avoid resuming journeys of prospects who already replied, are canceled, or out-of-office.

After filtering prospects, simply select all and resume.

Pro Tip: you can also use the journey filters to see the list of prospects who replied, unsubscribed, ran into an error, are running, etc.

When to resume journeys?

Journeys can be resumed immediately or at a specific date and time.

1. Resuming journeys immediately

After clicking Resume, a Confirm resuming journeys window will pop up.

To resume journeys immediately, click Resume immediately and click Resume.

Why resume journeys immediately?

If the campaign has been completed and you want to add more steps to it, you can resume journeys immediately after adding more steps to the campaign.

This will allow the prospects to continue their journeys to the added steps.

Journeys can also be resumed immediately to skip a wait step. 

If you want a journey to bypass the wait step that it is on, you can resume the journey immediately and the journey will skip the wait step.

Journeys that ran into an error can also be resumed immediately once the error is fixed.

This is so that the journeys will continue.

2. Resuming journeys on a specific date and time

You can also resume journeys on a specific date and time.

From the Confirming resume journeys window, just select Pick another time.

You can then type the specific date and time, or pick from the calendar.

After setting up the date and time, click Resume.

Why resume journeys at a specific date and time?

When a journey is marked as out-of-office, the wait step will be extended to another 14 days on top of the Wait step.

Journeys marked as out-of-office are usually resumed at a specific date and time,

if the prospect will be back earlier or later than the extended wait step.

For example, if a prospect is on maternity leave and will be back in the office after a month,

you can resume the prospect's journey a day before or on the day the prospect will be back.

For more information about journeys marked as out-of-office,

check this out -- Out-of-Office Replies.