Personalizing Emails with Liquid Syntax

Why use liquid syntax?

Liquid syntax allows you to highly personalize and create dynamic emails based on the prospect info, tags, and attributes.

How to use liquid syntax?

Liquid uses a combination of objects, tags, and operators. The format should look like this.

{% if prospect.role == "CEO" %} As a founder, I would like to offer you this one-time promotion {% endif %}

So if the email is sent to a prospect with a role of a CEO, the email will contain "As a founder, I would like to offer you this one-time promotion". Otherwise, the texts won't appear in the email.


Tags are the curly brace percentage delimiters  {%  and %}  It denotes logic and control flow.


Objects contain the content that liquid displays on the email. Here are the available objects and their functions in QuickMail.


Operators are used to creating conditions or fallbacks.

Note:  The value of the object in the liquid syntax is case-sensitive.