Filtering Prospects based on Categories

Filtering prospects can help to easily find the prospects you're looking for. These filters can be mixed and matched to narrow down your prospect list.

Here's a list of step-by-step guides on how to filter prospects based on specific categories:

Prospects Filter

How to filter prospects that are marked or not marked as Do Not Contact

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Prospects Tab > Select options under "Do Not Contact" > Apply Filters

How to filter prospects based on email verification status

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Prospects Tab > Select options under "Email Verification" > Apply Filters

How to filter prospects based on creation date

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Prospects Tab > Select dates under "Prospect created after" or "Prospect created before" > Apply Filters

Tags Filter

How to filter prospects that have or do not have specific tags

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Tags > Select specific tags under "Has ALL of the following tags" or "Has NONE of the following tags" > Apply Filters

Journeys Filter

How to filter prospects that have opened

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Journeys > Put your preferred number under "Minimum/Maximum number of Opens detected" > Apply Filter

How to filter prospects that have clicked

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Journeys > Put your preferred number under "Minimum/Maximum number of Clicks detected" > Apply Filter

How to filter prospects that have replied

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Journeys > Put your preferred number under "Minimum/Maximum number of Replies detected" > Apply Filter

How to filter prospects that Bounced

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Journeys tab > Select Bounced under "Journey Filter" > Apply Filter

How to filter prospects that are in a specific step

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Journeys > Put your preferred number of step under "Minimum/Maximum Step number" > Apply Filter

How to filter prospects that are assigned to a specific inbox

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Journeys > Select an inbox under "Has Any of the following inbox" or "Has none of the following inboxes" > Apply Filter

Campaigns Filter

How to filter prospects that have been in a specific number of campaigns

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Campaigns > Put preferred numbers under "Minimum/Maximum number of Campaigns started"

How to filter prospects that have been in a specific campaign

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Campaigns > Select campaign under "Has started ANY of the following campaigns" > Apply Filters

Buckets Filter

How to filter prospects that are not in any bucket

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Buckets > Check the box "Only show prospects without any Bucket assigned" > Apply Filters

How to filter prospects that are in a specific bucket

Go to Prospects > Advanced Filters > Buckets > Select a bucker under