Adding Additional Inboxes (Legacy Plans)

Each inbox in a QuickMail account allows an email account to send out emails and monitor replies.

In order to add more inboxes, the account's number of inboxes needs to be increased.

For Basic accounts, each additional inbox is $35/mo.

For Pro accounts, each additional inbox is $45/mo. 

Adding Additional Inboxes

To add an additional inbox/es, go to Settings -> Billing/Plan -> Click "Modify". 

After that, you will be able to adjust the number of inboxes in the account. 
Depending on the account's subscription, each additional inbox comes at an additional cost.

To see our updated pricing, check this out.

Billing computation

You will be charged upfront for adding an additional inbox/es in the middle of a billing cycle. 
The charge will be for the pro-rated usage of the inbox for the rest of the billing cycle.