Managing Multiple Accounts

Agencies in QuickMail

QuickMail accounts can either be set up to be used by a single Team/Company, or can be set up using an Agency model, where one Organization can manage multiple Client accounts.

Creating an Agency Organization

When creating a new QuickMail account, use the Agency Model button:
Then, fill out the relevant business details, enter a Credit Card, and you'll be taken to your Organization page:

Creating a QuickMail Account inside an Agency

Click the Create New Account button on the Organization's page, and give it a name. It'll then create a new 14-day trial for you to use for your client, and can be upgraded at any time.
When using a QuickMail account in your Agency, click the button in the top-left corner of the screen to get back to your Organization page:

Team members

Head to the Team section of the Organization page to see who has access to all of the QuickMail accounts in the Organization, and to generate Invite links to add additional Team members

Audit Log

It's possible to see changes that were made in the Organization, by whom, and at what time from the Audit section of the Organization. In this example, you can see a change of the name or the Organization, and the creation of a new QuickMail account:


QuickMail provides centralized billing for Agencies, so all QuickMail accounts in the Organization will be billed to a single card.
From the Billing section, it's possible to change the card associated with the Organization, enter a billing address, as it should appear on Invoices, as well as any Invoices that are in the account:


In the Settings section of the Organization, it's possible to change the Organization name, set an Organization wide address for QuickMail's Deliverability Reports, connect a Google Drive for all accounts in the Organization to use, and to enter an endpoint for Webhooks
Note: For more information, visit our website