Labeling Replies

Why use labels?

Labels allow users to easily categorize prospects' replies in QuickMail.

What's the difference between Labels and Tags?

Labels are used to categorize the prospects' replies to your emails. On the other hand, tags are used to categorize your prospects.

For more information on Tags, see How to Use Tags

How do labels work?

Once labels are created in QuickMail, a subfolder will be created under the folder '' in your email account. The names of these subfolders will reflect the labels that were created in QuickMail.

Labeling a reply in QuickMail will automatically move the email to a specific subfolder in your email account. 

The same goes for moving the email reply to the subfolder in Gmail, the label will also reflect in QuickMail.

How to create labels?

Step1. To create labels, head to Campaigns → Labels → Create New Labels.

A window will then pop up.  Name the label → Choose the sentiment → Create the label.

When creating a name, note that spaces aren't allowed.

Note: Creating labels in QuickMail will create labels and subfolders in all the inboxes associated with the account.

How to label replies?

After creating labels, you can then start applying labels to prospects' replies. This can either be done on the Opportunities page (or To-Dos page for Legacy accounts) in QuickMail or in the email account.

Selecting a label will automatically apply the journey sentiment that comes with the label. (Positive, Neutral, Negative)

Labeling replies in QuickMail Opportunities

To apply a label to a reply, go to Opportunities → Select an opportunity → Add label.

Labeling replies in QuickMail To-Dos

For legacy accounts, labels can be applied by going to To-Dos → Open a reply → Select label

Selecting a label will automatically apply the journey sentiment that comes with the label.

Labeling replies in your email account

You can also label replies from your email account and the labels will sync with QuickMail.

Note: Only one label can be applied at a time.

How to filter prospects based on labels?

If you would like to re-target prospects based on their reply, it's possible to get the list of prospects based on the label applied to their reply by using Advanced Filter.

To filter prospects based on the labels, head to your Prospect list → Advanced filter → Journeys 

Under Journeys, scroll down → Select Label → Apply Filters

After applying filters, the list of prospects can be exported. To do that, select all prospects → Actions → Email me as CSV (sent to the email address used to login)

Here's more info about Filtering Prospects