Handling Replies with Opportunities

Why use Opportunities?

It's a centralized place to keep track of all the replies created by leads replying to your campaign, in any of your email accounts.

"Opportunities" allows you to view your entire conversation with a prospect in a single thread and send follow-ups anytime.

Addressing Replies

All the replies that are in bold text mean are active Inbox items that need to be addressed.

Note: Simply opening the reply will not unbold it.

To respond to the lead's reply, click it from the Opportunities list and then, click Reply:

After replying to an Inbox reply, you will be redirected back to the list of replies assigned to you, where you can see that the reply you just replied to is no longer in bold. 

Selecting a Channel to send from

To select which channel to send, select one of the options in the "From:" field.

Marking Replies as Pending (Mark as read)

If you would like to mark a Conversation as read, simply mark it as pending.

Doing so will put the Conversation at the bottom of the list and will remove the Bold Text from the subject so that the reply can be easily differentiated.

Do this in Inbox → Open a reply → Click the "Active" button → Set to Pending

Marking conversations as Won or Lost

Each reply can be marked as Won or Lost, to easily identify and close potential replies. Marking the reply will add the corresponding label next to the Lead name:

Filtering Conversations

Replies can be filtered for ease of access to specific types or replies.

Many different criteria can be used to filter replies such as:

  • State (All, Active, Pending, Archived)
  • Status (Won, Lost, Open)
  • Assignee
  • Campaign
  • Email account
  • Snoozed

TIP: You can save created filters to easily use them again in the future

Adding Notes to the conversations

Notes are internal memos that can be added to any conversation. 

To add a note, from the conversation click on the Add Note button.

This will open a text editor where you will be able to edit the text and add a note directly in the conversation thread.

Snoozing conversations

If a reply doesn’t need your attention yet, you can snooze it so that you can focus on more urgent conversations that need to be replied to immediately.

To snooze a reply, within the conversation, click the Snooze button:

Then, from the pop-up window, choose the time when the reply should remain snoozed. You can choose tomorrow or next week.

Snoozed replies will not show on your list until the snooze ends or until the prospect sends another reply.

To un-snooze a reply, go to it and click "Unsnooze."

Viewing Original Email

By default, the Opportunities page will display the readable version of the email with the full subject and the message contained in the body of the email. However, it's also possible to view the original email in full.

This can be done by clicking on the three dots positioned in the top-right corner of each reply, and by clicking on the 'Show Original' button.

This action will result in a pop-up window opening, revealing the source of the email.

Status Bar

Whenever there is a change to the status of the reply, the change will be logged and displayed in a status bar.

A status bar will appear on top of the last reply, showing whether the opportunity was changed to Active, Pending, Won, Lost, or assigned to a different team member.

Replying to LinkedIn messages

When using the LinkedIn automation feature, the LinkedIn account will be automatically scanned for replies. The replies are then collected and displayed on the Opportunities page, allowing direct responses to LinkedIn messages.

Assigning replies

When the team has multiple team members it's best to assign the replies to different team members to ensure they will all be handled accordingly.

QuickMail will automatically assign the replies to the owner of the email account who received the reply.

Inbox owner assignment
Reply assignee display

The replies can also be manually assigned from the opened reply view or in bulk

To do this

  1. Navigate to the Reply: Click on the reply you want to assign.
  2. Click on the Assignee Dropdown: On the reply details page, find the assignee dropdown menu.
  3. Select Team Member: Choose the team member from the list.
  4. Save Changes: Click "Save" to assign the reply.

To assign replies in bulk:

  1. Select multiple replies: Can select them one, by page or "select all"
  2. Click on the "Assign to a team member" option (you can also remove the assignee)
  3. Select the team member from the pop-up menu

Taking Bulk Actions

It's possible to handle multiple replies in bulk to streamline some actions like:

  • Snooze
  • Un-snooze
  • Add an assignee
  • Remove an assignee
  • Archive
  • Delete

To do this

  1. Select multiple replies: Can select them one, by page or "select all"
  2. Click on the action from the different options