Adding Email Accounts for Sending

Video Demo

This video demo will go through the process of adding email accounts for sending and how QuickMail monitors domains for email health.

Adding email accounts for sending is different than adding team members to your account. For step-by-step guidance on adding team members, check out this guide.

Why add an email account?

In QuickMail, we don't have servers and IPs where users can send emails from.

So to use QuickMail, you will need an email account that can send and receive emails.

How to add an email account?

To get started, go to Channels → choose Email → click Add.

Upon clicking the Add Inbox button, you will be presented with two options to add an inbox: I have access to the inbox and I don't have access.

  • I have access to the inbox

    • Gmail & Outlook

If you have access to the inbox, you can directly log in to your inbox to add it to QuickMail.

    • Custom

If you're not using Gmail or Outlook, you can still use QuickMail with all other email addresses, as long as they support secure SMTP and IMAP connection

Note: It's not possible to add an email account with SMTP alone

To add a custom email, please get the SMTP and IMAP credentials from your email service provider.

Here are some known custom inbox providers and help articles on how to get their SMTP and IMAP credentials:

Some things to note when adding a custom email:

    • Make sure that IMAP and SMTP are turned on for the email address and credentials are correct
    • Make sure that your ESP supports a secure connection because we don't support non-secure connections
    • Avoid setting up 2FA as that might stop us from checking the inbox so it won't get added to QuickMail.
    • Check if your subscription supports IMAP access

Note: Custom email addresses can be tricky to set up because they have varying configurations. To get the best help if you're getting errors, please contact your email service provider.

  • I don't have access to the inbox

If you're working with a client and you don't have access to their email account, you can generate an invite to the client.

To generate an invite link, click "I don't have access to the inbox" → Click "Copy link to clipboard" → Provide the link to your client

I'm having difficulties adding an inbox, what should I do

  • Email already exists

An email address can only be added to one account at a time. It could be that the email address is added to an expired account.

To solve this, please contact and provide the email address so we can delete it from a different account.

  • It keeps adding the wrong Outlook inbox

When adding a Microsoft account, it automatically loads whichever email account is logged into your browser.

There are several ways to fix this:

    • Log out all your email addresses in or
    • Generate an invite link and open it in an incognito window. Since incognito windows don't have any data, instead of loading any email account, you will need to enter the correct email and password.
    • Temporarily use a different browser

Note: Custom email addresses can cause different errors. To troubleshoot them, please go to this article. If you can't find any of the errors on the list, please contact your email service provider.

How many inboxes can I add?

The number of inboxes that can be added to an account depends on the account's plan.

Here's a detailed guide on our pricing to learn more about it:

Pro tip: If you want to increase the volume of emails the account can send daily, the best way to go about it is to use multiple inboxes. Having multiple inboxes is a good way to spread out the volume of messages coming from a single campaign through Inbox Rotation