Basic Setup

Welcome to QuickMail!

This guide will walk you through the basic account setup for a QuickMail account from adding an inbox to sending your first email.  This should help you to get familiar with the basic functions of QuickMail and get an idea of how the platform works.

If you prefer a video tutorial, check out the New User Training Workshop.

Adding an Inbox

In QuickMail, an 'inbox' is an email account that will be used to send emails.

It's possible to use G-Suite, Outlook, or any email service as long as the inbox support both IMAP and SMTP.

The inbox(es) you use can be completely different from the one you signed up for QuickMail with.    

How to add an inbox? 

Step 1. Click the Settings button on the left sidebar → Inboxes tab → click 'Add Inbox' button

Step 2. You'll be presented with two options: 'I Have Access To The Inbox' and 'I Don't Have Access To The Inbox'

  • I Have Access To The Inbox - can be used if you have the login details or IMAP & SMTP of the inbox you will be adding to QuickMail. 
  • I Don't Have Access To The Inbox - can be used if you're managing the QuickMail account for another person/company, so they won't need to share their email account password. QuickMail will provide you with a link to send to them. This way, they'll be able to add their email as an inbox to your account.

Step 3. On the next page, select what type of inbox you'll be adding to QuickMail

  • Sign-in with Google is used to add a Google Inbox. It's pretty straightforward. Simply click the "Sign in with Google" button and sign in with the Gmail account.
  • Sign-in with Microsoft is used to add an Outlook or Microsoft 365 Inbox. Make sure to log in first to because your browser may automatically add the account that's signed in as an inbox.
  • Custom is used to add non-Gmail or non-Microsoft inboxes. Here's a more detailed on about Adding a Custom Inbox

Adding Prospects (Who do you want to email?)

In order to email people (called Prospects), they must be added first in QuickMail and in the campaign. 

There are 2 ways to add prospects to QuickMail: 

  1. Adding prospects manually
  2. Importing prospects in bulk

1. Adding prospects manually

Step 1. To add a prospect manually, either click on the 'Add Prospect' button on the Prospects Page or click the Prospect Icon in the upper right-hand corner.

Step 2. Type in the Prospects Email address and other details → Click 'Create' or 'Create More' button

2. Importing prospects in bulk

Step 1. To Import from a CSV or Google Sheet, go to the Prospects page → click 'Import Prospect' 

Step 2. Select either CSV or Google Sheet → Load the CSV or Google Sheet 

Note that to be able to import from a Google Sheet, a Google Drive must be added first. Here's a more detailed guide on How to Import using a Google Sheet.

Step 3. Map the correct columns in the CSV so that the information of the prospects, attributes, campaigns, or buckets will be added accordingly → Click 'Import' button

After importing prospects, an Import Report will be sent via email.

If you need more help adding prospects in QuickMail, check this article: How to Add Prospects

Now, we'll move on to  WHAT to send them.

Creating a campaign (What do you want to say in the emails?)

In QuickMail, a Campaign must be created in order to send emails to prospects, create tasks, or automate calls.

Step 1.  To create a campaign, head to the Campaigns page → Create new campaign 

Step 2.  Add a campaign name → set the campaign privacy to either Shared or Private → Create Campaign

Step 3. Create campaign steps by clicking the 'Plus Sign' button o 'Add a Step' 

Step 4. Select the type of Step you would like to add to your Campaign. If the goal is to send emails to prospects, select the Email Step. 

Step 5. When selecting the Email Step, you will be directed to a page where you can write the subject line and body of your email.

To create an Email Step, add a subject line → craft your email → click on Create Step.

It's also possible to use Attributes to personalize the message or info of each Prospect. Here's How to Use Attributes

Note that when an email step is created, a 3-day Wait Step will is automatically added. This way, there's a delay between each step.

Step 6. After creating the first email step, simply create follow-up steps.

Just repeat the steps earlier, and add a new Email. If you're happy with what you have, it's time to get this show on the road!

Step 7. Assign inboxes for sending emails by heading to the Inboxes section of the Campaign  →  Select Inboxes

it's possible to assign multiple inboxes to send from different email addresses in the same campaign. We call this Inbox Rotation.

Step 8. Finally, click 'Review' in the top-right corner of the Campaign →  click 'Go Live!' 

Starting journeys (When to start sending emails)

A Journey is the process of a prospect going through the steps of a campaign. The journey of the prospect will start once the prospect gets added to a live campaign.

There are two ways to start a prospect's journey: 

  1. Manually adding prospects to a campaign from the Prospect List.
  2. (Recommended) Automate adding prospects to a campaign using Buckets & Schedules 

1. Manually Starting Journeys 

To manually start prospects' journeys, head to the Prospect List  → select Prospects  → Actions  → choose Start Campaign

Note:  Manually adding prospects to a campaign is not recommended when adding hundreds of prospects in one go. This may cause journeys to get stuck in the send queue and lead to delays. Here's more info why it's not recommended: Prospects are bulk-added to a Campaign instead of to a Bucket

To know the progress of the prospects' journeys, simply head back to the Campaign → Journeys Tab. From here, we can see that this Prospect has already started the Journey, just as they were supposed to.

The 'Next Step' column tells when will the journey enter the next step. On the other hand, the paper plane icon means that the journey is now in the send queue. 

2. Automatically Starting Journeys Using Buckets & Schedules (Recommended)

Buckets are where prospects must be added and Schedules control when and how many prospects will be pulled out from the bucket to automatically add them to a campaign.
Note: Schedules don't necessarily control when will emails send. If you would like to prevent emails from sending at your preferred times, you may assign a Timetable instead. 
Step 1. To create a Bucket, head to Campaigns →  Buckets →  Create new Bucket

Step 2. Give the Bucket a name → Select if you would like to use Email Verification →  Set other Bucket settings →  Create Bucket

Step 3.  Add prospects to the bucket by going to the Prospect List → Select Prospects → Actions →  Move to Bucket

Alternatively, it's possible to import the prospects and add them directly to the bucket.

Step 4. Go to the Campaign that you'd like the Bucket to start Prospects on → Schedules → Add Schedule

Choose the day(s) and time you'd like to add prospects to a campaign →  Choose Timezone →  Choose how many prospects →  Select which Bucket to pull out prospects from 

Schedules will automatically take prospects from the bucket and add them to the campaign until the buckets selected are empty.
You can check these articles for more in-depth information about Buckets and Schedules: 
Buckets and  How to Schedule Campaigns 
We hope you find this Getting Started guide helpful.
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